Thursday 2 May 2013

Work It At Circuit

Circuit training is a combination of resistance training and cardio vascular training - in other words circuit training is the best kind of training for working all the muscles in the body, as well as getting your heart rate up and this can all be done within 40 minutes to an hour. Circuit training is sequenced in a way to alternate between muscle groups and is a great way to improve and maintain general fitness.

Here is class one in circuit training from House of F's.

This circuit is to be performed in 30 second sets with a 10 second rest between each exercise and performed 4 - 5 times, depending on your fitness level.

Dumbbell Squats
Beginners use a 3kg or 4kg dumbbell and more advanced use a 5kg, 6kg or 7kg dumbbell.
Ensure to hold the dumbbell close to your chest and keep your elbows pointed out.
When squatting keep your back straight, push your bum out while keeping your hips forward and transfer your weight through the heels of your feet.

Mountain Climbers
Start in a pushup position, keeping your body straight with your bum down low. Start by lifting your right knee in towards your chest and back to the start position, then do the same with your left leg and continue for the duration of the set.

Kettle Bell Swings
Beginners use a 3kg or 6kg kettle bell and more advanced use an 8kg or 10kg kettle bell.
Hold the kettle bell with two hands in between your legs and squat pushing your bum back first, then stand up and as you stand swing the kettle bell up to around level with your nose. Then repeat by dropping the kettle bell back down into a squat position. Remember to keep your back straight and your arms straight with your elbows slightly bent.

T Pushups
Start in a push up position, perform a push up and as you come back up lift your right arm up in the air to the side by twisting your body. Then repeat with the other arm, perform another push up and lift your left arm up. Continue for the duration of the set.

Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks or also known as star jumps. These are self explanatory start in a star position then jump into a straight position and continue for the duration of the set.

High Knees
High knees are running on the spot and raising your legs up as high as you can, while moving your arms in a running motion. Try do these as fast as you can for the duration of the set.

Side Hops
Use a rope or bar and hop from each side of it for the duration of the set.

Standing Arm Rows
Beginners use a 2kg or 3kg dumbbell and more advanced use a 4kg, 5kg or 6kg dumbbell.
Start by standing in a lunge position and lean your body forward slightly, keeping your back straight. Holding the dumbbell push it out in front of your body and slightly down, then pull the dumbbell straight back, keeping your arm close to your body and your elbow pointed straight back. Perform this exercise 30 seconds on one arm and another 30 seconds on the other.

3 Way Lunges
The three way lunge is performed by lunging forward, to the side and then backwards.
Perform this exercise 30 seconds on one leg and then 30 seconds on the other leg.

Vertical Leg Crunch
Start by lying on the ground and raising your legs in the air and crossing them over. Put your hands at your temples and crunch for the duration of the set. A good tip for when crunching, is to find a spot on the ceiling and keep your eyes on that, this keeps your chin up when performing the crunch.

Oblique Twists
Use a 3kg or 4kg dumbbell and hold it with both hands, sit leaning back slightly with your legs bent and feet slightly off the ground. Twist your body from side to side, moving the dumbbell from side to side. Make sure you twist your whole body as you go from each side.

Perform this circuit 4 - 5 times to achieve the best results and don't forget to stretch once you've finished.

If you enjoyed this circuit, make sure to keep checking back with House of F's for the next class in circuit training and for more fitness and health inspiration.

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